Make Your New Home A Sustainable Home

We’ve all heard the term ‘sustainable living’, but what is it and why is it so important? Well, sustainable living is simply living with the intention of minimising your carbon footprint, and the best way to do this is to ensure that the place where you spend most of your time, your home, is as eco-friendly as possible.

With people becoming more aware of the effect that water consumption and energy use can have on the environment, living sustainably is more important than ever, and the bonus is that, as well as helping the environment, a home that embraces eco- friendly technologies will reduce your energy and water bills too.

Naturally heat and cool your home

If your block allows it, the main living areas and the windows and doors in your new home should face north, as this will allow cool breezes and sunlight in, providing good ventilation and warmth when needed. External shades on windows will also help keep your house cool in summer and warm in winter. These simple solutions will mean big savings on your heating and cooling costs!

Use solar power

Installing solar panels on your roof is one of the most efficient ways to make your home more sustainable. With the power your panels capture from the sun, you can light up your home, warm your water and run your heating. Using the power of the sun, rather than fossil fuels, will reduce your carbon footprint and electricity bills.


When building a home in Perth, insulation is essential. Having insulation in your ceiling, walls and floors will help regulate the temperature in your home, meaning less need for airconditioning or heating.

Take your insulation one step further by adding double glazed windows and making sure any gaps around windows and doors are sealed. Insulating your home saves non-renewable resources, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and of course, cuts your electricity usage and therefore bills, dramatically.

Use sustainable cleaning products

Sustainable cleaning products have become incredibly popular in the last few years and there are lots of high quality products available. Most products are biodegradable and are made from 100% plant based ingredients, such as lemongrass, tea tree and eucalyptus.

Using products that are free from harsh chemicals and substances, like bleach and ammonia is recommended. Sustainable cleaning products help you keep your home clean and eliminate germs and bacteria without being harmful to your belongings, family and the environment.

At Content Living Home Builders, we have been building high quality homes for 25 years and have seen first-hand the positive impacts of eco-friendly technologies on the way we live.

To start building your eco-friendly dream home today, call and speak to one of our friendly team members. We can help you decide exactly what you want from your new home and how to incorporate sustainable elements into your build.